Saturday, September 08, 2007

Winter Sneaks around Fall

The mornings have been cool, nights windy. The days are still hot, but there's the underlying bite that says "Not much more of this". Soon it'll be snow tire day, after Halloween, and dig out the warm clothes day.


  1. Are your tomatoes still ripening?

  2. my tomatoes? That I haven't grown since I was 12? Maybe, if I had tomatoes, i could tell you.

  3. Oh, I guess I meant your neighbor's tomatoes.

  4. heh. they havent got any either. Not the snitches, not the old folks, and not the couple with a billion kids at the end of the block. Maybe you mean Wyrd's tomatoes. She lives in Coos Bay and has a long growing season. Her blog, on my blogroll, is "A Wyrd Blog from the Land of Oregon"

  5. heh. they havent got any either. Not the snitches, not the old folks, and not the couple with a billion kids at the end of the block. Maybe you mean Wyrd's tomatoes. She lives in Coos Bay and has a long growing season. Her blog, on my blogroll, is "A Wyrd Blog from the Land of Oregon"
