Tuesday, December 19, 2006

off the bluff

yesterday at a friend's house i saw a little bit of video and no sound about a car going off a cliff somewhere, and someone being inside. When i got home, i checked ye old hometown paper for some news on something else, and there it was.

These cliffs were part of my childhood and teenage years. As a kid, my dad and i walked down there a lot, we went down to the shoreline and looked for shells, and then climbed back up. As a teenager, my friends and i often headed down the cliffs to drink. The spot where this person went over is about two blocks from the high school dad taught at for 20 something years. During the 70s, it wasn't uncommon for authorities to be winching cars back up over the bluffs, and a lot of the time, the cars were just left down there. It got harder in the late 70s and early 80s to shove a car off the bluffs or drive one off. The city placed huge rocks along the curbs, but still, somehow, people manage to drive off the cliffs or push cars off. At the time they were placed, wide cars were the norm, so they were probably placed with that in mind. Smaller cars can fit through the gaps, though.

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