Tuesday, January 01, 2008


I was digging around in the pocket of the down ski coat my dad gave me about a week ago and pulled out a pink ticket stub for the Pasadena Rose Parade in 1983. It was $15.

I don't remember going to this. I would have been 13. He must have gone with the third ex-wife. That was before they adopted my brother and sister.

Anyway, I'll scan this later.

Happy New Year!


  1. Anonymous6:08 PM

    Now thats funny...that you have a jacket from 1983!
    I went to the parade once but on the night beforeof course, first time I ever kissed a girl with braces... :)

  2. the jacket.. it gets better. I have pictures of the family getting ready to go skiing from 1975. The jacket is in them.
